Severed Savior – Inverted and Inserted guitar cover
Incredibly fun track from Severed Savior’s „Servile Insurrection“, enjoy!
Cover, Cover Inverted and Inserted, Coverversion Severed Savior, Songcover Technical Death Metal, Servile Insurrection,
Incredibly fun track from Severed Savior’s „Servile Insurrection“, enjoy!
Cover, Coverversion Question, Cover Severed Savior, Coverversion Technical Death Metal, Servile Insurrection,
First track from the Severed Savior album Servile Insurrection! Got a few slip-ups, but I decided to keep it for the sake of the first take.
Cover, Cover Acts of Sedition, Coverversion Intervallo del Tradimento, Songcover Severed Savior, Coverversion Technical Death Metal, Servile Insurrection,
I learnt the solo for acts of sedition and then i realised the end part of.
Cover, Cover Acts of Sedition, Coverversion Severed Savior, Coversong Technical Death Metal, Servile Insurrection,
Another track from Severed Savior’s album Servile Insurrection! Crazy riffs galore!
Cover, Coverversion Acts of Sedition, Songcover Severed Savior, Coverversion Technical Death Metal, Servile Insurrection, Here’s Jules Julio Martinez ((Dysmorphic, Technical Brutal Death Metal from FR) Cover …