Chris Belson – Sound & Vision (David Bowie Cover) – Laid Bare Live Cover David Bowie, Coverversion Live, Songcover Pop, Coverversion Rock, Coversong Sound & Vision, Roseland Ballroom New York City 11-06-02 Disc 1, The Singles 1969 to 1995, A live session of Chris Belson performing ‚Sound & Vision‘ at his Moon Songs EP Launch at The Ritzy in Brixton for Laid Bare Records, Jan 2016…. with some … Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
Franz Ferdinand — Sound & Vision (David Bowie) Coverversion David Bowie, Interpret Pop, Coverversion Rock, Songcover Sound & Vision, Coverversion Vision, Roseland Ballroom New York City 11-06-02 Disc 1, The Singles Collection, watch over 450 musical covers and collaborations on Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this