Bon Voyage by Frank Corniola – cover by Ben Gehrke Cover, Cover Bon Voyage, Coverversion Frank Corniola, Songcover Unknown, Rhythm Section Drumming, My version of Bon Voyage during my second drum clinic at Burleigh Underground Drummers. Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
bon voyage by frank corniola drum cover Cover, Coverversion Bon Voyage, Coversong Frank Corniola, Coverversion Unknown, Rhythm Section Drumming, Description. Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
Complex City – Frank Corniola (Drum Cover) Cover, Interpret Complex City, Coverversion Frank Corniola, Songcover Unknown, Rhythm Section Drumming, I learnt this a few years back when I was still getting lessons. I love mucking around with complex time signatures even though it’s not really the sort of music I … Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this