Taras Ostroushko – The Grateful Dead cover „Standing On The Moon“ Built To Last, Cover, Cover Dead, Coverversion GRATEFUL DEAD, Songcover Psychedelic Rock, Coverversion Rock, Coversong Standing on the Moon, Ressurection (CD2), Performed on August 7, 2015 (there are some blunders near the end but i keep a straight poker face pretty well through those sections…for the most part…all the … Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
Acoustic Cover: Grateful Dead, „Standing on the Moon.“ Built To Last, Cover, Coverversion GRATEFUL DEAD, Interpret Psychedelic Rock, Coverversion Rock, Songcover Standing on the Moon, Ressurection (CD2), Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
Jesse McReynolds & Virginia Boys „Standing on the Moon“ Grateful Dead Cover at Bean Blossom [HD] Built To Last, Coverversion Boys, Cover Dead, Coverversion GRATEFUL DEAD, Cover Psychedelic Rock, Coverversion Rock, Songcover Standing on the Moon, Ressurection (CD2), Performed 6/18/11 at the 45th annual Bill Monroe Memorial Bluegrass Festival at Bill Monroe music park and campground Bean Blossom, IN. Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this