Someone Purer (Mystery Jets Cover)
It took a while, but I finally recorded a new cover. Check it out! Hope you like it! Also, check out my soundcloud page at …
Cover, Cover Mystery Jets, Coverversion Someone Purer, Radlands,
It took a while, but I finally recorded a new cover. Check it out! Hope you like it! Also, check out my soundcloud page at …
Songcover me, Coverversion Mystery Jets, Coversong Take Me Where The Roses Grow, Happy, Radlands,
Jo from Super Squarecloud and Plummie from The Racket collaborating on „take me where the roses grow by mystery jets.
Cover, Coverversion Mystery Jets, Interpret Someone Purer, Radlands,
Hey, ya’ll! This week I decided to play a song that has been a total jam of mine! Did any of you go to the Mumford & Sons concert? Well, these guys were one of …
Cover, Coverversion Luminescence, Songcover Mystery Jets, Radlands,
Bored Sunday so I thought I’d sing a little MJ! Spot the Radlands tee in the background? Enjoy! The chords are relatively simple: Intro- C Verses- Bb, Dm, …