Cody Broom – March of the Caterpillar (Rx Bandits Cover)
Recorded by P.J. Heberly 2011.
Cover, Cover March Of The Caterpillar, Coverversion Rx Bandits, Songcover Ska, Mandala,
Recorded by P.J. Heberly 2011.
Coverversion Bury It Down Low, Coversong Down, Coverversion Low, Interpret Rock, Coverversion Rx Bandits, Songcover Sad Core/Slow Core, I Could Live In Hope, Mandala,
My first cover of Rx Bandits. I play „Bury it down low“ with my band, and that’s the way I learned it. I know it’s not 100% correct, but I don’t care. The effects used …
Cover, Cover Hearts That Hanker For Mistake, Coverversion Rx Bandits, Songcover Ska, Mandala,
Hearts That Hanker for Mistake (Rx Bandits Cover)
Cover, Coverversion March Of The Caterpillar, Cover Rx Bandits, Coverversion Ska, Mandala,
Sounds like shit out of computer speakers. Not perfect but one of my favorite Rx songs check it.
Cover Bury It Down Low, Coverversion Down, Songcover Low, Coverversion Rx Bandits, Cover Sad Core/Slow Core, Coverversion Ska, I Could Live In Hope, Mandala,
Bury It Down Low by Rx Bandits – Mandala played by Marcelo Leodoro.
An Enchanted Evening, Cover, Coversong Kitaro, Coverversion Kokoro, Songcover New Age, Coverversion NewAge, Mandala,
solo da msica Kokoro do grande msico KITARO….