My cover of „Someday out of the Blue“ – Elton John Cover Blue, Coverversion ELTON JOHN, Songcover Pop, Coverversion Rock, Coversong Someday Out Of The Blue, Live - VH1 Concert - 2000, unknown, This is my fun little thing I did when I got bored,not my best attempt as it’s hard to sing in my style to a song where the notes are louder and shorter (which makes … Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
NICKELBACK – „Saturday Night’s Alright“ (Elton John cover) live @ Mediolanum Forum 2013 Coverversion ELTON JOHN, Interpret Nickelback, Coverversion Rock, Songcover Rock & Roll, Coverversion Saturday Night, Cover Saturday night's alright, Live - VH1 Concert - 2000, One Night Only, Assago (Milano) 29-10-2013. Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this