Infectious Grooves – Stop Funk’n With My Head Bass Cover
Stop Funk’n With My Head by Infectious Grooves.
Cover Funk, Coverversion Infectious Grooves, Songcover My, Coverversion Rock, Coversong Stop Funk'n With My Head, Live in France '95, The Plague That Makes Your Booty Move... It's The Infectious Grooves,
Stop Funk’n With My Head by Infectious Grooves.
Coverversion Funk, Interpret Infectious Grooves, Coverversion My, Songcover Rock, Coverversion Stop Funk'n With My Head, Live in France '95, The Plague That Makes Your Booty Move... It's The Infectious Grooves,
Fantasy Japan rt Live 2016.1.31 P-HEAD.
Cover, Songcover Funk Metal, Coverversion Infectious Grooves, Cover Punk It Up, Coverversion Rock, Live in France '95, The Plague That Makes Your Booty Move... It's The Infectious Grooves,
Was messing with this a few days ago and here it is.
Cover, Cover Funk Metal, Coverversion Infectious Grooves, Songcover Punk It Up, Coverversion Rock, Live in France '95, The Plague That Makes Your Booty Move... It's The Infectious Grooves,
1st attempt, bit sloppy, trying to play quietly because of my neighbours but you can’t hold back playing this tune so will have another go when I can play loud.
Cover, Cover Funk Metal, Coverversion Infectious Grooves, Coversong Punk It Up, Coverversion Rock, Live in France '95, The Plague That Makes Your Booty Move... It's The Infectious Grooves,
Bass cover of the song. i mess a little in some parts btw… 😛 Official video
Cover, Coversong Funk Metal, Coverversion Infectious Grooves, Cover Punk It Up, Coverversion Rock, Live in France '95, The Plague That Makes Your Booty Move... It's The Infectious Grooves,
Spector Legend Custom -EMG 40 DC -Gallien Krueger.
Cover, Songcover Funk Metal, Coverversion Infectious Grooves, Cover Punk It Up, Coverversion Rock, Live in France '95, The Plague That Makes Your Booty Move... It's The Infectious Grooves,
A real snappy slap tune from Infectious Grooves‘ first album, back when funk metal was still fresh and cool, back when I was all of six years old. The bass line is …
Cover, Cover Funk Metal, Coverversion Infectious Grooves, Songcover Punk It Up, Coverversion Rock, Live in France '95, The Plague That Makes Your Booty Move... It's The Infectious Grooves,
bass cover by raphbass Musicman StingRay 5.
Cover, Cover Funk Metal, Coverversion Infectious Grooves, Interpret Punk It Up, Coverversion Rock, Live in France '95, The Plague That Makes Your Booty Move... It's The Infectious Grooves,
Always wanted to record this one, Some mistakes there (as usual) „Invader“ Bass is made by Bloody Jonny Guitars …
Cover, Songcover Funk, Coverversion Infectious Grooves, Cover Rock, Coverversion Violent And Funky, Live in France '95, The Plague That Makes Your Booty Move... It's The Infectious Grooves,
check out : My channel : 0oKSTo0 channel …