Zox Goodnight (Cover) – Alli Sargent Cover, Cover Goodnight, Coverversion Indie, Songcover Zox, Line in the Sand, Video recorded at Hubbard Hall, Cambridge, NY, 2009. Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
Goodnight by Zox (Acoustic Cover) Caitie Darling Cover, Coverversion Goodnight, Coversong Indie, Coverversion Zox, Line in the Sand, Sooo… I love this song, it really strikes a chord with me. I learned how to play it a few years ago, forgot it, then learned it again… and now here it is! I hope you … Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
„Goodnight“ – ZOX cover Cover, Interpret Goodnight, Coverversion Indie, Songcover Zox, Line in the Sand, This is my cover of a beautiful ZOX song i’m entering for a contest to play this on stage with them. Please like, comment and share to help me win! Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
Goodnight Cover – Zox Cover, Coverversion Goodnight, Cover Indie, Coverversion Zox, Line in the Sand, Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this