Fooled Around & Fell in Love (Elvin Bishop Cover) by Crystal & Boneshakers Band Cover, Cover Elvin Bishop, Coverversion fooled around & fell in love, Songcover Rock, King Biscuit Flower Hour Presents Elvin Bishop, The Encore Collection, Recorded at home 2015 with Gary Lee Moore on Guitar, Keyboard and Drums -Jon Brickey on Bass Guitar-Crystal Gore on Lead Vocal. Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
Elvin Bishop „Fooled Around & Fell in Love“ *Cover by Bill Dotson* Cover, Coverversion Elvin Bishop, Coversong fooled around & fell in love, Coverversion Rock, King Biscuit Flower Hour Presents Elvin Bishop, The Encore Collection, THIS IS A KARAOKE BACKING TRACK WITH MY VOCALS** For the 1975 album „Struttin‘ My Stuff“ they needed another song. Elvin Bishop said he had one but … Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this