Dead Kennedys‘ „Ill In the Head“ Rocksmith Bass Cover
Comment a song you want me to cover on bass, and I will try my best to find it. Make sure you drop your bass on that like button over there. I apologize if I ever …
Cover, Cover Dead Kennedys, Coverversion Ill in the Head, Songcover Punk, Coverversion Punk Rock, Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, Jellos Revenge I&II,
Comment a song you want me to cover on bass, and I will try my best to find it. Make sure you drop your bass on that like button over there. I apologize if I ever …
Cover, Coversong Dead Kennedys, Coverversion Punk, Interpret Punk Rock, Coverversion short songs, Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death, Jellos Revenge I&II,
Cover, Songcover Dead Kennedys, Coverversion Funland, Cover Funland at the Beach, Coverversion Punk, Cover Punk Rock, Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, Jellos Revenge I&II,
Im trying to sell this bass but wanted to demo it so people could hear it. It’s got a ’62 reissue pickup and played through a Ampeg amp.
Coverversion Air, Songcover Dead Kennedys, Coverversion MTV get off the air, Cover Punk, Coverversion Punk Rock, Jellos Revenge I&II, Live 1984-10-17,
Mtv get off the air (Bass Cover) Dead Kennedys In acustic guitar n__n!
Cover, Cover Dead Kennedys, Coverversion Punk, Songcover Punk Rock, Coverversion short songs, Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death, Jellos Revenge I&II,
after like 2 hours of screwing around with my amp, i finally got it to work 😀 so, here is the song „Short Songs“ by the Dead Kennedys hey… like what you …
Cover, Cover Dead Kennedys, Coverversion Ill in the Head, Coversong Punk, Coverversion Punk Rock, Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, Jellos Revenge I&II,
Sho-bee-doo-bop Bad kvalit Note: I do not own the right to this song.
Songcover Air, Coverversion Dead Kennedys, Cover MTV get off the air, Coverversion Punk, Cover Punk Rock, Jellos Revenge I&II, Live 1984-10-17,
What Were We Fighting For?: A Tribute to Dead Kennedys.
Cover, Coverversion Dead Kennedys, Cover Ill in the Head, Coverversion Punk, Songcover Punk Rock, Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, Jellos Revenge I&II,
One of the most fun (and hardest) DK songs to play. A good one for practicing speed.