„That’s All“ – Larry D (sans ukulele) Kind of a Rod Stewart cover.
I’ve known this song my whole life, chiefly from a Sam Cooke album my Mom had. I was recently asked to sing it at a wedding, which meant I actually had to …
Cover, Cover Pop, Coverversion Rock, Songcover Rod Stewart, Coverversion That's All, It Had to Be You... The Great American Songbook, The great american songbook,
I’ve known this song my whole life, chiefly from a Sam Cooke album my Mom had. I was recently asked to sing it at a wedding, which meant I actually had to …
Cover, Coversong Pop, Coverversion Rock, Interpret Rod Stewart, Coverversion These Foolish Things, it had to be you, It Had to Be You... The Great American Songbook,
Not a huge fan of the first few notes, but mostly good enough I thought.
Cover, Songcover Pop, Coverversion Rock, Cover Rod Stewart, Coverversion The Very Thought Of You, it had to be you, It Had to Be You... The Great American Songbook,
Cover of a beautiful song first published in 1934 with music and lyrics by Ray Noble.A great jazz standard that has been recorded by numerous artists.
Cover, Coverversion Pop, Cover Rock, Coverversion Rod Stewart, Songcover That's All, It Had to Be You... The Great American Songbook, The great american songbook,
For my parent’s 28th anniversary here is a video of my dad singing a song for my mom.
Coverversion My, Cover Pop, Coverversion Rock, Coversong Rod Stewart, Coverversion You Go To My Head, it had to be you, It Had to Be You... The Great American Songbook,
You Go To My Head is a 1938 popular song that is a Pop and Jazz standard. Composed by J. Fred Coots with lyrics by Haven Gillespie. A song that has been recorded by …