Trapped in this Age – Narnia (Cover) Cover, Coverversion Heavy Metal, Songcover Narnia, Coverversion Power Metal, Coversong Trapped in this Age, Decades of Confession, Desert Land, band „Inner“ from So Carlos-SP Brazil all the praise and Glory to Jesus! musical rehearsal old formation Guitars-Anthony Guitars-Fleyton Bass-Samuel … Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
Narnia – „Trapped in this age“ (cover) | Twitter: @GonzaloArenasF Cover, Coverversion Heavy Metal, Interpret Narnia, Coverversion Power Metal, Songcover Trapped in this Age, Decades of Confession, Desert Land, Coverversion del grupo sueco de Hard Rock Cristiano „NARNIA“, hace tiempo que quera grabarlo…. Bendiciones a la banda y a todos quienes vean el vdeo. Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this