Waking the cadaver suffering upon revenge (cover) Beyond Cops. Beyond God., Coverversion Death Metal, Songcover old-school thrash, Coverversion Revenge, Coversong Suffering Upon Revenge, Coverversion Waking The Cadaver, From Hell, This is my vocal cover of suffering upon revenge by waking the cadaver disclaimer ( I do not own this song or the band waking the cadaver obviously ) also this … Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
Waking The Cadaver – Suffering upon Revenge (Vocal Cover) Beyond Cops. Beyond God., Interpret Death Metal, Coverversion old-school thrash, Songcover Revenge, Coverversion Suffering Upon Revenge, Cover Waking The Cadaver, From Hell, Another Vocal Cover. Waking The Cadaver are one reason why I started to do vocals. Comment, share and give a thumb up if you enjoy my work. Thank you! Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this