The Matolls – Sitting In The Midday Sun (The Kinks cover) Cover, Coverversion Kinks, Songcover Rock & Roll, Coverversion Sitting In the Midday Sun, Preservation Act 1 (Remaster), The Kinks' Greatest - 1970-(Celluloid Heroes), Grupo de Matar centrado en „covers“ de sus grupos favoritos. Voz; Henry Matoll Arreglos e instrumentacin: Javier Moreno y J. Luis Moreno. Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
The Matolls – Sitting In The Midday Sun (The Kinks cover) Cover, Coversong Kinks, Coverversion Rock & Roll, Interpret Sitting In the Midday Sun, Preservation Act 1 (Remaster), The Kinks' Greatest - 1970-(Celluloid Heroes), Grupo de Matar centrado en „covers“ de sus grupos favoritos. Voz; Henry Matoll Arreglos e instrumentacin: Javier Moreno y J. Luis Moreno. Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
Sitting in the Midday Sun – The Kinks cover Cover, Coverversion Classic Rock, Songcover Kinks, Coverversion Rock, Cover Sitting In the Midday Sun, Coverversion The Kinks, Preservation Act 1, Preservation Act I/Something Else, circa 2005 Close as a „theme song“ as I’ll probably find. bunch uploading low-res past archives. I’m sitting by the side of the river Underneath the pale blue sky I … Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this