Rebecca Ferguson – „Shoulder to Shoulder“ (Acoustic Cover) by Jovie and Simone Cover, Coverversion Rebecca Ferguson, Songcover Shoulder to Shoulder, Coverversion Soul, Heaven [Target edition], A heart-felt song by Rebecca Ferguson, „Shoulder to Shoulder“, the 3rd track of her debut album „Heaven“ (2011) which I immediately bought on Amazon. Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
Shoulder to shoulder Little joy cover Cover, Coversong Little Joy, Coverversion Rock, Interpret Shoulder to Shoulder, Little Joy, All credits to Little Joy. Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
Maisie berry shoulder to shoulder a rebecca ferguson cover Cover, Coverversion Rebecca Ferguson, Songcover Shoulder to Shoulder, Coverversion Soul, Heaven [Target edition], I sang this for my aunt Ria at her funeral so this is a tribute to her I hope you like it. Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this