Chevelle – Roswell’s Spell (PRACTICE cover)
Just kinda played through it. I don’t know the chorus 😛 drop B.
Cover, Coverversion chevelle, Songcover Hard Rock, Coverversion Roswell's Spell, Sci-Fi Crimes,
Just kinda played through it. I don’t know the chorus 😛 drop B.
Cover, Coversong chevelle, Coverversion Hard Rock, Interpret Roswell's Spell, Sci-Fi Crimes,
Hello. This is my cover of Roswell’s Spell, from Chevelle’s album Sci-Fi Crimes. I like the dynamics in this song a lot, even if the camera doesn’t capture it so well.
Cover, Coverversion chevelle, Songcover Hard Rock, Coverversion Roswell's Spell, Sci-Fi Crimes,
Hey. Here’s my cover of Roswell’s Spell, from Chevelle’s album Sci-Fi Crimes. Cool song, definitely one of my favorites from that album. Between this one and …
Cover, Cover chevelle, Coverversion Hard Rock, Cover Roswell's Spell, Sci-Fi Crimes,
I heard a pretty cover and decided to make my own, haha.
Cover, Coverversion chevelle, Songcover Hard Rock, Coverversion Roswell's Spell, Sci-Fi Crimes,
jamming with the track „Roswell’s Spell“ by Chevelle, from the album „Sci-Fi Crimes“. This is most definitely not 100% accurate.