valhalla pacifists – revenge of the nerds (cover) Coverversion old-school thrash, Songcover Revenge, Coverversion Revenge Of The Nerds, Coversong Thrash, Coverversion Valhalla Pacifists, From Hell, Greatest Hits, cover of revenge of the nerds by scholastic deth, little wonder, harrogate. Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
NxMxA – Revenge of the nerds (scholastic deth cover) Interpret Hardcore, Coverversion old-school thrash, Songcover Revenge, Coverversion Revenge Of The Nerds, Cover Scholastic Deth, Final Examiner, From Hell, Armados con calculadoras y libros!!!!!! Geeks, perdedores y cerebritos… siente el poder….. DE NUESTRO ATAQUE NERD!! Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this