Himitsu Janai – Redrum (Vamps cover) @ Multitoys Great Sale Fest 2011 070422, Cover, Coverversion Himitsu, Songcover Redrum, Coverversion Rock, Guess who the vocalist is!! XDD. Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
Stephen King’s The Shining – Talking Book cover „REDRUM“ Cover, Coversong Progressive Rock, Coverversion Redrum, Interpret Shining, In the Kingdom of Kitsch You Will be a Monster, Created on My Talkin Pet Monday September 15th, 2014. Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
Diarreha Cronica: Redrum (Cover Mortician) Cover, Coverversion Death Metal, Songcover Heavy Metal, Coverversion Mortician, Cover Redrum, Final Bloodbath Sessions, House by the Cemetery/Mortal Massacre, Drums: Padrote Zatanico Vocals: Menediction Soren: Guitar and Bass. Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this