Scarcity – Profithysteri (Skitsystem Cover) Allt E SKit, Cover, Coverversion Hardcore Punk, Songcover Profithysteri, Coverversion Skitsystem, This is one of the songs, my former band Scarcity, recorded in a studio at a school in Sweden, Linkping 2009. We never released the album on CD or at any … Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
Skitsystem – Profithysteri [Guitar Cover] Allt E SKit, Cover, Coversong Hardcore Punk, Coverversion Profithysteri, Interpret Skitsystem, First person ever to cover a skitsystem song on youtube! Did nobody have the balls to do it or is this band simply unknown to so many people? Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
Skitsystem – Profithysteri EP Allt E SKit, Cover, Coverversion Hardcore Punk, Songcover Profithysteri, Coverversion Skitsystem, 1st ep from 1995. 1) „Profithysteri“ 2) „Maktens Murar Rasar“ 3) „Revolt (Asocial-cover)“ 4) „Human Waste“ 5) „Alla Jvlar Ljuger“ 6) „Nr Skall Ni Fatta?“ Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this