Cover Pat Martino
Pat Martino – Impressions Solo Cover
Consciousness, Cover, Coversong Impressions, Coverversion Jazz, Interpret Pat Martino,
I’ve been a huge Pat Martino fan for quite some time now and started studying his line form style a while ago. Frankly, I think it’s best to stop practicing this solo …
Both Sides Now / Joni Mitchell / Pat Martino arranged / Cover
Consciousness, Cover, Coverversion Both Sides Now, Songcover Folk Rock, Coverversion Jazz, Cover Joni Mitchell, Coverversion Pat Martino, Miles of Aisles,
Pat Martino arranged. from Consciousness. with a Pick style.
Both Sides Now cover (Pat Martino version)
Consciousness, Cover, Cover Both Sides Now, Coverversion Jazz, Songcover Pat Martino,
Joni Mitchell’s tune as interpreted by Pat Martino. Performed by Jonathan Wayne on a Schecter 006 through a Line 6 Pod Version 2. Yay budget guitars! Kufi cap …