A Wilhelm Scream – Our Ghosts (Bass Cover) Career Suicide, Cover, Coverversion A Wilhelm Scream, Songcover Our Ghosts, Coverversion Punk, Bass cover for this amazing song. Done by ear, no tabs. Sorry for the quality. Enjoy! Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
A Wilhelm Scream – Our Ghosts (Cover) Career Suicide, Cover, Coversong A Wilhelm Scream, Coverversion Our Ghosts, Interpret Punk, http://twitter.com/leank2 A wilhelm Scream – Our Ghosts cover(guitar play along) Audio recorded directly through Sonar 7 with GR3 and then synchronized with … Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
A Wilhelm Scream – Our Ghosts (bass cover) by Mo0nkie Career Suicide, Cover, Coverversion A Wilhelm Scream, Songcover Our Ghosts, Coverversion Punk, A Wilhelm Scream – Our Ghosts (bass cover) by Mo0nkie. Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this