Here’s to You (OAR Cover)
this is a little portion of the song Here’s to You by O.A.R. No singing or anything, my voice is like two dying ducks so cheers.
Cover, Coverversion Here's to You, Songcover OAR, Coverversion Rock, Risen,
this is a little portion of the song Here’s to You by O.A.R. No singing or anything, my voice is like two dying ducks so cheers.
Cover, Coversong OAR, Coverversion Rock, Interpret Wonderful day, Stories Of A Stranger,
41 North performing a cover of the song „Wonderful Day“ by OAR at the Madison Arts Barn on December 9, 2006.
Cover, Coverversion Conquering Fools, Songcover OAR, Coverversion Rock, The Wanderer, Wanderer,
jondirect’s webcam video Jan 29, 2011, 11:17 AM.
Cover, Cover OAR, Coverversion Rock, Cover Toy Store, The Wanderer, Wanderer,
jondirect’s webcam video March 7, 2011 02:26 PM.
Cover, Coverversion Delicate Few, Songcover OAR, Coverversion Rock, Risen,
41 North performing a cover of Delicate Few by OAR at Toad’s Place, New Haven, CT.