L’oriental (in the style of Enrico Macias) cover by Concerts Musicorama, Cover, Coverversion Enrico Macias, Songcover L'oriental, Coverversion Other, Red Karaoke singer sings L’orientalin the style of in the style of Enrico Macias Visit profile with more recordings at: http://www.redkaraoke.com/profile/ This video … Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
Cheb khaled ( enrico macias ) l’Oriental cover alae houcine naime Concerts Musicorama, Cover, Coversong Enrico Macias, Coverversion L'oriental, Interpret Other, page officiel facebook https://www.facebook.com/alaehoucinenaime?notif_t=page_new_likes. Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this