Title Fight – Lefty (All Nighter cover)
All Nighter – Title Fight, Lefty (cover) Filmed in Guitar Center in Katy, Tx on our tour! Check out our acoustic EP, „Something To Talk About“ at …
Cover, Coverversion Lefty, Songcover Punk, Coverversion Title Fight, Floral Green,
All Nighter – Title Fight, Lefty (cover) Filmed in Guitar Center in Katy, Tx on our tour! Check out our acoustic EP, „Something To Talk About“ at …
Cover, Coversong Lefty, Coverversion Punk, Interpret Title Fight, Floral Green,
Off their 2012 record, Floral Green.
Cover, Coverversion Lefty, Songcover Punk, Coverversion Title Fight, Floral Green,
Title Fight song.
Cover, Cover Lefty, Coverversion Punk, Cover Title Fight, Floral Green,
iPhone recording yes I know bad quality. But I really dig these riffs.
Cover, Coverversion Lefty, Songcover Punk, Coverversion Title Fight, Floral Green,
My cover of Lefty by Title fight.
Cover, Coverversion Lefty, Songcover Punk, Coverversion Title Fight, Floral Green,
Few cock ups, but was just so bored.
Cover, Cover Lefty, Coverversion Punk, Coversong Title Fight, Floral Green,
Bored at work so I covered another Title Fight song. They rule and this song is great. I look like a dumb when I sing. YUP.
Cover, Coverversion Lefty, Songcover Punk, Coverversion Title Fight, Floral Green,
A little cover we did of Lefty by Title Fight. A bit sloppy, but fun to play. Recorded using a Rode NT-1A and a T.Bone SC450. Edited using Adobe Premier and …
Cover, Cover Lefty, Coverversion Punk, Cover Title Fight, Floral Green,
Songs by title fight.
Cover, Coverversion Lefty, Songcover Punk, Coverversion Title Fight, Floral Green,
Audio is owned by Title Fight and SideOneDummy Records.
Cover, Coversong Lefty, Coverversion Punk, Cover Title Fight, Floral Green,
some weird rendition i made up.
Cover, Coverversion Lefty, Songcover Punk, Coverversion Title Fight, Floral Green,
Currently my favorite song by one of my favorite bands. I had some trouble uploading the original take I did, so I decided to remake it for funziez.
Cover, Cover Lefty, Coverversion Punk, Cover Title Fight, Floral Green,
I adore this song and Floral Green in its entirety. Follow my new Twitter! @sam_oesch.
Cover, Coverversion Lefty, Songcover Punk, Coverversion Title Fight, Floral Green,
TAB: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/27804190/lefty%20tab.txt if you wanna follow me on twitter and talk about things: https://twitter.com/G_geBo_s.