Jesus, You are Worthy (Brenton Brown) – Acoustic Cover Cover, Coverversion Brenton Brown, Songcover Christian Rock, Coverversion Jesus, You Are Worthy, Everlasting God, Jesus, You are Worthy (W&M by Brenton Brown) Verse: Jesus, You are mercy, Jesus, You are justice, Jesus, You are worthy, that is what You are. You died … Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
Jesus, You Are Worthy (Brenton Brown) cover with lyrics Cover, Coversong Brenton Brown, Coverversion Christian Rock, Interpret Jesus, You Are Worthy, Everlasting God, A nice, folk/rock version of Brenton Brown’s Jesus, You Are Worthy. Recorded on April 1, 2012 by the Calvary Chapel Charlottesville Worship Team Rob … Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this