Cover Gung Ho
CylonThrasher – Lets Play Guitar – Anthrax March (Gung Ho)
Cover, Coverversion Anthrax, Interpret Gung Ho, Coverversion Metal, Songcover Thrash Metal, Fistful Of Metal, Fistful of Metal & Armed and Dangerous,
Play Anthrax – Gung Ho — Intro/Outro Cover !!! Sorry No Drums 😉 Pantera and Slayer.
Anthrax Gung ho Lorenzo Patimo (Maestro metallo drum cover )
Cover, Coverversion Anthrax, Cover Gung Ho, Coverversion Metal, Cover Thrash Metal, Fistful Of Metal, Fistful of Metal & Armed and Dangerous,
Sono un batterista di quasi 21 anni Cerco persone per creare formazione . votazioni aperte mi piace (vi iscrivite al mio canale o se preferite aggiungetemi su …
Gung Ho (Anthrax Guitar Cover)
Cover, Coverversion Anthrax, Songcover Gung Ho, Coverversion Metal, Cover Thrash Metal, Fistful, Fistful Of Metal,
Gung Ho (Anthrax Guitar Cover)