Exodus- A good day to die (Intro cover)
Not perfect but fun I don’t have any guitar pedal but Distortion DS-1 so I had to edit the audio in Vegas and used a lighter as a slide haha. The sound is still …
Bonded By Blood, Cover, Coverversion Exodus, Songcover Good Day to Die, Coverversion Thrash Metal, Coversong Trash Metal, Force Of Habit,
Not perfect but fun I don’t have any guitar pedal but Distortion DS-1 so I had to edit the audio in Vegas and used a lighter as a slide haha. The sound is still …
Cover, Coverversion Alternative, Interpret Good Day to Die, Coverversion Rock, Songcover Sunhouse, Crazy On The Weekend,
fullfathom5 covering Good Day To Die by Sunhouse at The Soundhouse Leicester on 11th February 2017. www.fullfathom5.co.uk.
Bonded By Blood, Cover, Coverversion Exodus, Cover Good Day to Die, Coverversion Thrash Metal, Cover Trash Metal, Force Of Habit,
my cover of „a good day to die“ hope you’ll enjoy it
Bonded By Blood, Cover, Coverversion Exodus, Cover Good Day to Die, Coverversion Thrash Metal, Songcover Trash Metal, Force Of Habit,
I do not own this song! J’ai volontairement modifi le solo bien que ma version soit trs proche du solo de base de la chanson. Enjoy 😉
Cover, Coverversion Alternative, Songcover Good Day to Die, Coverversion Rock, Cover Sunhouse, Crazy On The Weekend,
Holm Brothers back from major artistic break.
Cover, Coverversion Godsmack, Coversong Good Day to Die, Coverversion Heavy Metal, Cover Rock, The Oracle, The Oracle (Deluxe Edition),
Que tal gente, espero que le anden pasando bien estos dias, algunos trabajando, estudiando, y tocando tambien; aqui les comparto mi nuevo video cover de …
Bonded By Blood, Cover, Interpret Exodus, Coverversion Good Day to Die, Songcover Thrash Metal, Coverversion Trash Metal, Force Of Habit,
First Take of full song run-thru after learning it by ear. Skipped second part of the solo (just a bit too difficult). Hope you like it, thumbs up if you want more!