Eternal Decision – Turn Cover 0.1, Cover, Coverversion Eternal Decision, Songcover Instrumental Rock, Coverversion Turn, Eternal Decision, This is the first cover of this song on Youtube. I really appreciate this song. This sounds like Metallica… The cover was totally by ear, without tablature . Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
CZL-Eternal Decision-Stomping Ground Guitar Cover Cover, Coversong Eternal Decision, Coverversion Ground, Interpret Rock, Coverversion Stomping Ground, Eternal Decision, Spirits And Souvenirs, Awesome song! Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
eternal decision overflow cover Cover, Songcover Eternal Decision, Coverversion Overflow, Eternal Decision, Selftitled, christian metal guitar playing bugera 333xl. Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this