Slash Ft Ozzy Osbourne – Crucify The Dead Cover by Sebastian Ss Coverversion Crucify, Songcover Crucify the Dead, Coverversion Heavy Metal, Coversong Ozzy Osbourne, Coverversion Rock, Interpret Slash, SCREAM, Slash, Este es mi primer vdeo en bajo, espero disfruten y hagan sus sugerencias que sean criticas CONSTRUCTIVAS, gracias. /,,/_(-_-)_/,,/ Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
Slash – Crucify The Dead feat Ozzy Osbourne (guitar cover FULL song) Coverversion Crucify, Songcover Crucify the Dead, Coverversion Heavy Metal, Cover Ozzy Osbourne, Coverversion Rock, Cover Slash, SCREAM, Slash, Become a fan on facebook at because everybody keeps asking for this one, its pretty sloppy but also its tunned all the way down to … Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this