Catherine Howard’s Fate – Blackmore’s Night (cover by Alisa and Toto) 2001-07-24 (2-2), Coverversion Blackmore's Night, Songcover Catherine Howard's Fate, Coverversion Folk/Rock, Coversong Rock, Coverversion Toto, Under A Violet Moon, Hello! :)) So, this song actually means so much for me 😀 Because it was the 1st song by Blackmore’s Night I’ve heard. So I wanted to sing it for such a long time … Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
Blackmore’s night-Catherine Howard’s Fate (Cover) 2001-07-24 (2-2), Cover, Interpret Blackmore's Night, Coverversion Catherine Howard's Fate, Songcover Folk/Rock, Coverversion Rock, Under A Violet Moon, Kamran gracing us with his magical vocals again. Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this