(Cover) Reprise de Caramel (Futur-2012-Rap) de Booba par Mendes n2.
Reprise par Mendes.
Cover, Coverversion Booba, Interpret Jimmy, Coverversion Rap, Futur,
Salut j’espre que c’tais cool est je vous dit a plus.
Cover, Coverversion Booba, Coversong Caramel, Coverversion Rap, Futur,
http://lesfillesetlesgarcons.bandcamp.com/ Chaine YT : http://www.youtube.com/user/LFELG?feature=watch SoundCloud …
Cover, Songcover Booba, Coverversion Caramel, Cover Rap, Futur,
Promotional Use Only! Music (instrumental) of the track belongs to it’s rightful owners! I found the original track online made by an artist named booba. I really …
Cover, Coverversion Booba, Cover Caramel, Coverversion Rap, Futur,
LFELG – CARAMEL – BOOBA – IZI – COVER – REPRISE FREE DL : https://soundcloud.com/lesfillesetlesgarcons/les-filles-et-les-garcons-caramel-booba-cover.
Cover, Songcover Booba, Coverversion Caramel, Coversong Rap, Futur,
un heureux interprte de caramel de booba.
Cover, Coverversion Booba, Cover Rap, Coverversion Wesh Morray, Futur,
Greatbooba Wesh Morray Drum Cover More songs are coming.