Bonaparte – Anti Anti (cover)
we said high gloss is bullshit it’s tragic, yeah, that’s it you said fuck this, i said fuck that we stood together, we said, what you mean dad? they are the millionaires, …
Cover, Coverversion Alt. Rock, Songcover Anti Anti, Coverversion bonaparte, Coversong Elektro Pop, Too Much, Too Much (Limited Edition),
we said high gloss is bullshit it’s tragic, yeah, that’s it you said fuck this, i said fuck that we stood together, we said, what you mean dad? they are the millionaires, …
Cover, Coverversion Alt. Rock, Interpret Anti Anti, Coverversion bonaparte, Songcover Elektro Pop, Too Much, Too Much (Limited Edition),
This is a performance of the Bonaparte song ‚Anti Anti‘. This was created without doing harm to any animals or people. This video is three minutes and fifty-nine …
Cover, Songcover bonaparte, Coverversion Done with Bonaparte, Cover Mark Knopfler, Coverversion Pop, Cover Rock, Golden Heart, Jacksonville 05,
Mike Valentine performs Mark Knopfler’s „Done With Bonaparte“.
Cover, Coverversion bonaparte, Songcover Done with Bonaparte, Coverversion Mark Knopfler, Cover Pop, Coverversion Rock, Golden Heart, Jacksonville 05,
Coversong by Farewell to Gibdos.
Cover, Cover bonaparte, Coverversion Done with Bonaparte, Cover Mark Knopfler, Coverversion Pop, Songcover Rock, Golden Heart, Jacksonville 05,
Konzert im Alten Kutschenmuseum Gescher am 3. Mrz 2012.
Cover, Coverversion bonaparte, Coversong Done with Bonaparte, Coverversion Mark Knopfler, Cover Pop, Coverversion Rock, Golden Heart, Jacksonville 05,
By requests, a short cover of a favorite. Had to tune down a half step to fit my limited vocal range. Hope you like it. . .
Cover, Songcover bonaparte, Coverversion Mark Knopfler, Cover Rock, Live From Boston, MA, July 1, 2005 (Disc 1),
Acoustic and tin whistle cover of „Done with Bonaparte“ song written by Mark Knopfler.
Cover, Coverversion bonaparte, Cover Done with Bonaparte, Coverversion Mark Knopfler, Interpret Pop, Coverversion Rock, Golden Heart, Jacksonville 05,
Mike West Done With Hitbonaparte Mark Knopfler Cover.
Cover, Songcover Alt. Rock, Coverversion Blow It Up, Cover bonaparte, Coverversion Elektro Pop, Too Much, Too Much (Limited Edition),
Bestbonaparte – music indie-punk band based in Berlin and headed by Swiss songwriter Tobias Andtom. Jundt is the only permanent member of the group, but …
Cover, Coversong bonaparte, Coverversion Done with Bonaparte, Songcover Mark Knopfler, Coverversion Pop, Cover Rock, Golden Heart, Jacksonville 05,
This is the second posting… I added a Bouzouki for the lead, an extra guitar for a beat on capo 1…. and listen for an ambient vocal over the chorus.
Cover, Coverversion bonaparte, Cover Done with Bonaparte, Coverversion Mark Knopfler, Songcover Pop, Coverversion Rock, Golden Heart, Jacksonville 05,
The Mark Knopfler song „Done with Bonaparte“ from his 1996 album Golden Heart is sung from the viewpoint of a soldier in Napoleon’s army. The song recalls …
Cover, Coversong bonaparte, Coverversion Done with Bonaparte, Cover Mark Knopfler, Coverversion Pop, Songcover Rock, Golden Heart, Jacksonville 05,
I have no idea how I missed this song released first in 1996. Saw it recently in iTunes, instantly fell in love with it, and bought it in iTunes, studied it, and a day …