Nirvana – Bambi Slaughter AKA Creation – full band studio cover – Permanent Tourist Cover, Coverversion Bambi slaughter, Songcover Grunge, Coverversion Nirvana, Coversong Rock, Dressed for Success, Outcesticide 5 -- Gone, but Not Forgotten, A cover of the instrumental solo acoustic song from the summer of 1987, NOT the Fecal Matter demo. Humble apologies to Kurt for „filling in the blanks“. Decided … Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
DIIV – (Live) Nirvana cover „Bambi Slaughter“ Coverversion Bambi slaughter, Interpret Grunge, Coverversion Live, Songcover Nirvana, Coverversion Rock, Outcesticide 5 -- Gone, but Not Forgotten, Outcesticide IV - Rape Of The Vaults, DIIV live at Township in Chicago performing a Nirvana cover. Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this