Megadeth – Bad Omen Drum Cover Cover, Coverversion Bad Omen, Songcover Megadeth, Coverversion Metal, Coversong Thrash Metal, Peace Sell... But Who's Buying + EP, Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?, Band: Megadeth Song: Bad Omen Album: Peace Sells… But Who’s Buying? (1986) Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
Megadeth – Bad Omen (cover) Cover, Coverversion Bad Omen, Interpret Megadeth, Coverversion Metal, Songcover Thrash Metal, Peace Sell... But Who's Buying + EP, Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?, Finally, after lots of delays, my cover of Bad Omen is up! Cool, underrated song with a cool rhythm. I originally intended to make this one a drum- and … Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this