August 8th – NoFX (Cover) Cover, Coverversion August 8th, Songcover NOFX, Coverversion Punk, Coversong Punkrock, Heavy Petting Zoo, August 8th cover perfomed by me. Sorry for bad voicing tune :D. Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
Fat Snails – August 8th NOFX cover. Cover, Coverversion August 8th, Interpret NOFX, Coverversion Punk, Songcover Punkrock, Heavy Petting Zoo, Version de los Fat Snails en el Friki Taun. Cordoba, Semana Santa ’08. Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
august 8th nofx – piano cover – HAPPY BIRTHDAY EL HEFE Cover, Coverversion August 8th, Cover NOFX, Coverversion Punk, Cover Punkrock, Heavy Petting Zoo, Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
Malcolm – „August 8th“ (NOFX cover) Cover, Coverversion August 8th, Songcover NOFX, Coverversion Punk, Cover Punkrock, Heavy Petting Zoo, Recorded Aug. 2010. This is on Nofx-Heavy Petting Zoo, a great album. The song is I think a diss to the hippy Jerry Garcia, who actually died Aug. 9th, 1995. Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this