L.Stadt – Ain’t got my music (John Porter cover) (MCK Myslowice 21.03.2009) Coverversion Ain't Got My Music, Songcover John Porter, Coverversion My, Coversong Retro, Coverversion Rock, Druhe Slunce, Electric Years - Złota kolekcja, fragment kocnertu zespolu L.Stadt w MCKu w Myslowicach 21 marca 2009 roku. Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
Porter Band – Ain’t Got My Music bass cover Interpret Ain't Got My Music, Coverversion My, Songcover Porter Band, Coverversion Retro, Cover Rock, Druhe Slunce, Helicopters, John Porter – Walijczyk mieszkajacy w Polsce – w 1980 roku wydal nagrana ze swym zespolem swietna plyte „Helicopters“. To stamtad pochodzi ten utwr, … Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
John Porter – Ain’t Got My Music – drums cover by Kris Kaczor Coverversion Ain't Got My Music, Cover John Porter, Coverversion My, Songcover Retro, Coverversion Rock, Druhe Slunce, Electric Years - Złota kolekcja, Ka drumming on the Willow Tree farm in Devon, England. Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this