Devin Townsend Band -Deadhead (Vocal Cover)
My second Devin Townsend cover, Deadhead, from the album Accelerated Evolution.
Accelerated Evolution, Cover, Cover Deadhead, Coverversion Devin Townsend Band, Songcover Heavy Metal, Coverversion Metal,
My second Devin Townsend cover, Deadhead, from the album Accelerated Evolution.
Accelerated Evolution, Cover, Cover Deadhead, Coverversion Devin Townsend Band, Songcover Heavy Metal, Coverversion Metal, @blasphemouslibel (Instagram) Not black metal I know, but I love this song and artist – and a few of my friends do too.
Accelerated Evolution, Cover, Cover Deadhead, Coverversion Devin Townsend Band, Cover Heavy Metal, Coverversion Metal,
So far my best cover. Once again the audio and the video are recorded separately.
Accelerated Evolution, Cover, Songcover Devin Townsend Band, Coverversion Heavy Metal, Cover Metal, Coverversion Suicide,
Learned by ear. A little bit of (video) synch issues here and there but no big deal. Also, I’m no good at solos so… No solo.
Accelerated Evolution, Cover, Cover Devin Townsend Band, Coverversion Heavy Metal, Cover Metal, Coverversion Suicide,
Long time since I’ve had the time to post any covers, sorry for the wait. This is a cover for the rythm guitar. Soon I will try to add the solo and bass-guitar.
Accelerated Evolution, Cover, Songcover Away, Coverversion Devin Townsend Band, Coversong Heavy Metal, Coverversion Metal,
Just a little part of “ Away “ from “ Accelerated Evolution “ By The Devin Townsend Band Without The solo, too impresive ! Sorry for image and sound, just a …
Accelerated Evolution, Cover, Cover Devin Townsend Band, Coverversion Heavy Metal, Songcover Metal, Coverversion Storm, Stormjunkie (Limited Edition + Mcd) The Album,
Definitely my favourite devin song so i’d thought i’d attempt to cover it! Not technically difficult but the focus was more on the production this time round to …
Accelerated Evolution, Cover, Cover Depth Charge, Coverversion Devin Townsend Band, Cover Heavy Metal, Coverversion Metal, nine deadly venoms,
Finally got a new camera!! But… I only noticed after the shoot that the camera shakes everytime I hit the bass drum…. D’OH! Oh well, I’ll try again…
Accelerated Evolution, Ass Sordid Demos, Songcover Away, Coverversion Devin Townsend, Cover Devin Townsend Band, Coverversion Heavy Metal, Interpret Man, Coverversion Metal,
This is one of my earliest projects while learning how to use an antiquated version of Pro Tools. I love this song and it’s simple enough that I could focus more on …
Accelerated Evolution, Cover, Songcover Deadhead, Coverversion Devin Townsend Band, Cover Heavy Metal, Coverversion Metal,
A minha interpretao de uma das melhores msicas que j ouvi! Uma autntica obra prima do genial Devin Townsend (The Devin Townsend Band; Strapping …
Accelerated Evolution, Cover, Coversong Deadhead, Coverversion Devin Townsend Band, Songcover Heavy Metal, Coverversion Metal,
Featuring my cat as the audience. Give me a break on the guitar, I’m trying to do 5 layers of guitar playing in just one track because Devin has a ton of different …
Accelerated Evolution, Cover, Cover Deadhead, Coverversion Devin Townsend Band, Cover Heavy Metal, Coverversion Metal,
I can’t get enough of this song… ;w; I just recently started using my youtube-page again and just thought of doing this. I don’t know how to mix for shit.
Accelerated Evolution, Cover, Songcover Deadhead, Coverversion Devin Townsend Band, Coversong Heavy Metal, Coverversion Metal,
Cover Acstico de „Deadhead“ de Devin Townsend Band. Muchas gracias a Lucas Larrory por la gran mano para realizar el video y a Rodrigo Alderete. LINKS: …