kurasakuasa-exterminate (wormrot cover)
Abuse, Cover, Coverversion Exterminate, Coversong Rock, Coverversion Wormrot,
our favourite cover song by wormrot.
BAGA – Overgrown Asshole (Wormrot Cover)
Abuse, Cover, Interpret Asshole, Coverversion Overgrown Asshole, Songcover Rock, Coverversion Wormrot, Kongo Skulls,
BAGA – Overgrown Asshole (Wormrot Cover) from the Wormrot Tribute.
Wormrot – Overgrown Asshole (Cover)
Abuse, Cover, Coverversion Asshole, Songcover Overgrown Asshole, Coverversion Rock, Cover Wormrot, Kongo Skulls,
This is me Playing WormRot Face Blasting Grindcore Band from Singapore, Sorry The Mistakes, I learned the song by ear. Cheers.