Mary, Did You Know? (Michael English) – Cover by Old Guy A Michael English Christmas, Cover, Cover Contemporary Christian, Coverversion Mary, Did You Know, Songcover Michael English, „Mary, Did You Know?“ is a Christmas song with lyrics written by Mark Lowry and music written by Buddy Greene. Mark Lowry wrote the words in 1984 when his … Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
Mary, Did You Know? (Michael English cover) A Michael English Christmas, Cover, Coverversion Contemporary Christian, Coversong Mary, Did You Know, Coverversion Michael English, Me singing the Christmas song, „Mary, Did You Know?“ Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this
My aCapella arrangement of a cover of Michael English’s „Mary, Did You Know?“ A Michael English Christmas, Interpret Contemporary Christian, Coverversion Mary, Did You Know, Songcover Michael English, Coverversion My, Cover Retro, Druhe Slunce, Sung Jan. 4, 2015 in Mass at Our Savior Church, Mobile, AL; with siblings Emmanuel, Miguel, and Ligaya (who are also in Mobile’s Singing Children). Like 0 Thanks! You've already liked this