Reflections Reinforced (outspoken cover)
Reflections @Bane en Lima – El Local de Miraflore. Gracias @Erlyn Correa Cruz.
a light in the dark, Cover, Cover Hardcore, Coverversion Outspoken, Songcover Reinforced, Spotlight,
Reflections @Bane en Lima – El Local de Miraflore. Gracias @Erlyn Correa Cruz.
a light in the dark, Cover, Coverversion Hardcore, Coversong Have Heart, Coverversion Outspoken, Interpret Reinforced, Spotlight,
Live from the HH/GU/Verse Winter Tour ’04.
a light in the dark, Cover, Coverversion Hardcore, Songcover Have Heart, Coverversion Outspoken, Cover Reinforced, Spotlight,
Have Heart What Counts (2004) Lyrics: I hear stories that don’t appeal to me For some reason I don’t see what they see A wasted mind is a waste of time Where …
a light in the dark, Cover, Coverversion Hardcore, Cover Have Heart, Coverversion Outspoken, Songcover Reinforced, Spotlight,
Live from the HH/GU/Verse Winter Tour ’04.
a light in the dark, Cover, Coverversion Hardcore, Cover Have Heart, Coverversion Outspoken, Cover Reinforced, Spotlight,
In November 2004, we recorded 2 songs this day/night/next morning. Dig Somewhere Else and an Outspoken cover. I think we got to the space about 9-10pm …
a light in the dark, Cover, Coverversion Hardcore, Songcover Have Heart, Coverversion Outspoken, Cover Reinforced, What Counts,
HAVE HEART en el G.B.A club de VILLA ADELINA, en la segunda presentacion de la banda de BOSTON que dieron en ARGENTINA.